First clinical evidence characterizing safety and efficacy of the new CoCr Biolimus-A9 eluting stent

Single arm, prospective, multi-center registry, 400 patients from 12 sites in 4 countries.
All patients received BioMatrix Alpha™ stents as per clinical practice and were  followed for 2 years for data collection.

Primary Endpoint Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction (Q-wave and non-Q-wave),or clinically driven target vessel revascularization (TVR) at 9 months.

Results at 9 months

> MACE 3.78% - Cardiac Death: 0.75% - MI: 1% - Def/Prob ST: 0.25%

Results at 24 months

> MACE 6.65% - Cardiac Death: 1.29% - MI: 2.82% - Def/Prob ST: 1.12%

LEADERS2 the first all comers trial of PCI
(Limus Eluted from A Durable versus ERodable Stent coating)

1:1 randomized control trial to prove non-inferiority to the current gold standard stent BioMatrix Flex™ vs Cypher® Select™
1700 patients from 10 European centers. Patients suitable for PCI enrolled, with limited exclusion criteria
Primary endpoint was non-inferiority of MACE (Cardiac death, MI, cd-TVR) at nine months
Planned follow-up of 5 years – subgroups.


> MACE non-inferior at 9 months
> 0.66% ST from 1-5 years
> Significant reduction in Patient Oriented Composite Endpoint (All-cause Death, Any MI, All Revascularization) at 3,4 & 5 year follow-up

Clinical benefit shown in patients undergoing complex PCI2

> 5 year MACE significantly reduced BES vs SES in high Syntax score ≥12 patients
> BioMatrix™ achieved a significant reduction in Stent Thrombosis in high Syntax score ≥12 patients
> Significant reduction in MACE driven by a reduction in Cardiac Death in STEMI subgroup at 1 year
> In CTO patients 30 days post implant BioMatrix demonstrated a significant reduction in MACE, ci-TVR and Stent Thrombosis
> Significant reduction in Cardiac death in AMI STEMI patients at 5 years


Excellent and impressive long term data for BioMatrix™ Family in more than 5’000 real-world patients.
> 5,000 all comer patient registry

Results 3 years4:

> MACE 9%
> Cardiac Death 2.1%
> ci-TVR 5.6%
> MI 3.2%

COMFORTABLE AMI 2 year follow-up5

A randomized trial 1:1 BioMatrix Flex vs Gazelle BMS
To evaluate the BioMatrix Flex in an AMI population vs the current BMS gold standard.
Primary endpoint MACE (Cardiac Death, TV-MI, cd-TLR): 52% reduction in MACE vs the BMS
> 64% reduction in ci_TLR
> 3% reduction in TV-MI
> 1.4% ST at 2 years
> A safety and efficacy benefit maintained out to 5 years

Thus, BioMatrix has become the Gold Standard in biodegradable technology.


12244-000-EN, 11140-000-EN - Rev.01 + 11134-000-EN, 11136-000-EN - Rev.02 + 11881-000-EN - Rev.04
BioMatrix™ Alpha
BMX Alpha Registry 2-year FU Results

1. Clinical Outcomes with Cobalt Chromium Biolimus DES compared with Stainless Steel Biolimus DES in All-Comers Patients after 2 years. Presentation I. Menown TCT CONNECT 2020.
2. Improved safety and reduction in stent thrombosis associated with biodegradable polymer-based biolimus-eluting stents versus durable polymer-based sirolimus-eluting stents in patients with coronary artery disease: final 5-year report of the LEADERS (Limus Eluted From A Durable Versus ERodable Stent Coating) randomized, noninferiority trial. Serruys P. et al JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2013 Aug;6(8):777-89
3. Outcomes Following Implantation of the Biolimus A9-Eluting BioMatrix Coronary Stent: Primary Analysis of the e-BioMatrix Registry. Urban P. et al. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Intervent 86:1151–1160 20154. Final 3-year Report of the e-BioMatrix Registry, David Hildick-Smith, 2015
5. Five-year clinical outcomes and intracoronary imaging findings of the COMFORTABLE AMI trial: randomized comparison of biodegradable polymer-based biolimus-eluting stents with bare-metal stents in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Raber et al.  Eur Heart J. 2019 Jun 21;40(24):1909-1919.

CAUTION: Please note that the following pages are exclusively reserved for Health Care Professionals in countries with applicable health authority product registrations. To the extent this site contains information intended for use by licensed medical professionals, such materials are not intended to offer professional medical advice. Prior to use, please consult device labeling for prescriptive information and operating instructions. Please contact your Biosensors International representative for availability or the products and registration status.

The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Prior to use, it is important to read the "Instructions for Use" supplied with these devices for indications, contraindications, suggested procedures, warnings, and precautions.

Biosensors’ interventional cardiology products, including BioMatrix™ Alpha, BioFreedom™, BioFreedom™ Ultra, BMX-J®, RISE™ NC and RISE™ SC, are not available for sale in the United States and certain other countries. ALLEGRA™ is a product of NVT GmbH. Blue Sail Medical Co., Ltd is the ultimate parent company of NVT GmbH and Biosensors International Group, Ltd. and its subsidiaries are collaborating for the commercialization of the ALLEGRA™ device.

BioMatrix Alpha, BioFreedom, BioFreedom Ultra, BMX-J, Juno, S-Stent, Rise NC and Rise SC are trademarks or registered trademarks of Biosensors International Group, Ltd. ALLEGRA is a trademark or registered trademark of NVT AG. All other cited trademarks are the property of their respective owners.